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8' Heavy Duty Al. Pole Bottom

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8' Heavy Duty Al. Pole Bottom

The 8' Heavy Duty Aluminum Pole Bottom is the base used for Heavy Duty Center and Quarter Poles. Each pole measures 8' with a 6" swage at the top to connect to the top pole portion. This swage fits into the top pole portion to complete the Heavy Duty Pole, compatible with CELINA's 3 1/2"O.D. Center Poles. Having sectional, swaged poles eliminates the hassles and dangers associated with transporting long single-piece poles.

This piece is the bottom of a heavy duty pole:

  • Pole Top: 8' - with 10" top pin
  • Pole Bottom: 8' - with 6" swaged top
  • Total Height of Pole: 16' (3 1/2" diameter)

CELINA provides this type of pole to reduce installation times, costs, and effort for end users.


Aluminum Pole Specifications
Outside Diameter 3.5"
Inside Diameter 3.0625"
Wall Thickness 0.21875"
Weight 2.621 lbs/ft
Strength 35000 PSI
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